Thursday, January 20, 2011

First Update of the New Season!

I'd like to take a moment to congratulate all the winter guard members on a successful weekend learning the show with our choreographer Ryan Miller.  We were all very pleased with the progress made last weekend and are very excited about the season.  It's a great show with lots of potential and it's sure to be a crowd pleaser to boot! A big THANK YOU goes out to Ryan Miller for his creative expertise and to Chelsey's (sp?) Mom for the amazing spread she brought in for lunch last Saturday.  It was delicious!

Unfortunately, our directors didn't fair so well after the weekend was over.  Mr. Myers came down with the flu Monday night and was out for 2 days (he's back now) meanwhile Ms. Hench was got a shard of broken glass wedged in her hand that would require surgery to remove.  Ms. Hench went under the knife this afternoon and we're happy to report that the surgery was successful, the glass removed and tendon repaired, and she is at home recovering!  We expect to see her back in rehearsal on Tuesday next week.  Best wishes on a speedy recovery!

With all that chaos, things didn't go quite as smoothly as we'd hoped tonight but we'll do better in the future.  We are going to make one change to our Tuesday and Thursday evening rehearsals that will be in effect until Feb. 22 when we can get into a gym for every rehearsal.  The change will be this: at 8:35 we will take a water break and set up our equipment for a complete run of the show which will begin at 8:40.  The show runs just over 4 minutes and parents are welcome to come and watch. (We'll send someone to let you in during the water break).  Once we've performed the show, we'll wrap up the rehearsal and begin folding the tarp and resetting the tables and chairs in the cafeteria.  ALL guard members are expected to assist in folding the floor and resetting the cafeteria and no one is excused until this is done and our equipment is put away in the band room.  When everyone helps, the process only takes about 10-15 minutes and everyone will be out the door by 9pm.  Please continue to have students at the school by 5:40 to help clear the cafeteria and set the floor so rehearsal can begin promptly at 6 each night. This is a small thing that really helps get a lot done!

Next Saturday, January 29th, is our first contest at Vista Ridge HS in Cedar Park.  Right now we are scheduled perform at 1:50pm.  Detailed itineraries and directions will be posted and distributed early next week.  Only 6 school days and 2 ensemble rehearsals until our first show!  Looking forward to seeing everyone there!

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