Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Plan of Action for Play Off Game #1

Greetings to All!

Here is the schedule of events for the rest of the week.

Wednesday:  Normal school day rehearsal, work on "I Don't Care" and Fight Song

Thursday:  NO SCHOOL!  Veteran's Day! Enjoy your day off.

Friday:  8am MORNING REHEARSAL - Outside at field
Pack flag bags and seat covers before the end of 1st Period 
Beginning of 5th Period - Report to bandhall
2:00 pm Leave for game in Glenrose.  We will stop along the way to eat.
7:30 pm KHS vs. Mansfield Summit  GO ROOS!
Stop en-route on way home to get something to eat. 
2:00 am arrival home.

What to Bring:
1.  Black Dance Pants
2.  Black Shoes
3.  Black Socks - if you don't have any - GO GET SOME!
4.  Aqua tops
5.  Rain jacket
6.  Cold weather gear
7.  New Guard Jacket
8.  Bring money to eat
9.  Snacks for the bus ride.

Remember Our Veteran's and Military on Thursday!

Remember those who gave there lives for our freedoms!

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