Monday, September 20, 2010

This Week!

There is a correction to this weeks schedule.  We will be traveling to Del Valle on Friday for the game, not playing at Leo Buckley.  Sorry for that mistake.
I thought we had a great rehearsal tonight.  It was super nice to see everyone at rehearsal! Weapon line the percussion feature is going to be really cool, but only if it clean.  You guys are going to need to work together out side of rehearsal to make that happen.

I am going to post below the new KHS Color Guard Attendance Policy for your reference.

See everyone in the morning. . . bright and early at 7am.

Killeen High School Color Guard
Attendance Policy

The greatest single factor that will determine the success of an amazing color guard is attitude. It takes dedication to reach goals. Guard members are expected to come to rehearsal with the right attitude of sincerity, concentration, and dedication to working hard to achieve success with their teammates. A good attitude and a strong work ethic is the difference between a winning guard and a mediocre group. 
Members of the KHS colorguard are asked to make a commitment to the program through their time and effort. As a member, you are required to commit to the rehearsal and performance schedule, and you are required to show up on time. You are also expected to follow all of the behavioral rules set by KHS High School and to respect your instructors, peers, and chaperones.
           When the members of a competing group have pride, maturity, class, and style, it shows.  When the members of a group are lacking these qualities, it shows even more.  Remember, it takes much longer to build a good reputation than to ruin one.
Conflicts with the colorguard schedule are the responsibility of the student. Rehearsal and performance schedules are given out in advance so that arrangements can be made. Colorguard is a demanding activity and involvement in outside activities should be limited to those that are compatible with the guard schedule.  Students and their families are requested to plan appropriately when scheduling appointments, etc. so that rehearsals and performances are not missed.
          Attendance at all practices and performances is mandatory. The only excused absences will be for a death in the immediate family, personal illness verified with a note from your parent, or an approved school-related activity with a note from a teacher. If a student needs to miss part or all of a rehearsal, an excused absence form must be filled out and given to Ms. Hench (or put into the band mailbox) prior to rehearsal in all cases except illness. When you miss rehearsal because of illness, please let an officer know (just so we know you're not going to be here so we don't worry about you!) and bring an absence form to the next rehearsal. Excuses such as work and homework are not acceptable. You can usually find copies of the form in the guard-room or get on from an officer.
If a student is well enough to attend class during the school day, the student is expected to attend rehearsal.
In order to leave early from practices and competitions, the student must have a note written and signed by a parent stating a reason for the early dismissal.

Every individual in the organization is a valued, contributing member, and any single absence detracts from the quality of our preparation and performance. Your contribution reflects on the entire group.

Any student with TWO unexcused absence during the practice before a performance or competition will not be allowed to perform, they will still be expected to attend the event. A great deal of information is given right before performances and it detrimental to the rest of the team if a student misses those rehearsals.

Excessive tardiness or absences will result in the student losing their spot in the colorguard program. Again, this is because every individual’s attendance and performance contributes to the success of the guard. If someone isn’t showing their commitment, it hurts the overall effectiveness and attitude of the group.
Killeen High School Band
Color Guard

Request for Excused Absence

NAME ______________________________________________________

PHONE_____________________ SECTION__________________________

DATE (S) TO BE EXCUSED _____________________________

DATE SUBMITTED: _______________________ REASON FOR REQUEST:





Student Signature

Parent/Guardian Signature

As a reminder, this request must be given to Ms. Hench or placed in the band mailbox at least ONE WEEK in advance and must fall within the following criteria:
Absences and tardies from rehearsals outside of the school day may be excused for the following situations:
a. Medical emergency or personal injury (parent/guardian note, physician note and parent phone call required)
b. Death in family.
c. Religious Holiday*
d. Special circumstances (as determined by Director through prior communication with student or parents)*

*These must be approved by Ms. Hench at least ONE WEEK in advance. Any request not made within ONE week of the date will not be processed.

(For Office Use Only)
Absence is: ________ Excused
        ________ Unexcused
Unexcused absences may result in disciplinary action, grade reduction, or removal from Marching Band 

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